Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Probe JV Noront. - Meadow Hen

Hi Meadow Hen

"You wrote:

I might be mistaken but I believe this location was part of what became a 50/50 JV with NOT. PRB drilled this in 2008 before the JV and found ultamafics and anomalous platinum and palladium. It is now 100% owned by NOT after PRB reaquired the chromite .The claim group further west of this is in part 100% PRB but was only aquired later.


Meadow Hen,

I have a desk sized Map of McFauld's Lake with the dated Feb.2010 mailed to me by Joanne Jobin who was the IR person at Noront. On the map the JV'd properties of Probe and Noront are shown in a yellow colour with orange diagonal striping and are labeled Nororont/Probe. The property I am referring to was never shown as JV'd. When you look at the map snapshot I provided in my post it is the property to the upper left (block A & B were JV'd) There were 4 JV'd properties: Block A &B and the little claim on top of FNC and the portion NE of freewest, now Cliffs. I have a little bit of probe shares and I've been wondering about the huge jump since August. I didn't think of the Noront possibility until I noticed the new holes yet to be reported on by Noront in thier NR today and the proximity to this probe property. The price moves of Whitepine/Metalex during the same time frame are also interesting. If you go into a volume/price history and take a look at Noront early Aug and then look at Probe, White Pine, Metalex it makes you wonder what created this simultaneous interest.

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