Timmins & Beardmore - Northern Ontario

Focused on becoming a near-term Gold Producer

Message: Re: Mag Maps - for Red911 and all...
Dec 15, 2007 04:15AM

Re: Mag Maps - for Red911 and all...

posted on Dec 16, 2007 06:14AM

longbomb and all,

Thanks for these maps. With confirmation in latest SGX release seems you guys were a little ahead of your time :D. Can't wait to see mag map SGX releases and assays and/or channel sampling results that accompany it...

"a ten foot wide quartz vein within this Mag low, which was not assayed for gold. Sage is currently moving equipment into this area in order to begin trenching both the quartz vein and the northwest trending Mag low."

Thanks again! Keep up the great work.


Dec 17, 2007 11:50AM

Dec 17, 2007 12:04PM
Dec 17, 2007 12:38PM

Dec 17, 2007 03:56PM
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