Timmins & Beardmore - Northern Ontario

Focused on becoming a near-term Gold Producer

Message: Sage Adds Strategic Properties in Beardmore

"To summarize, Sage will pay $71,000 in cash and issue a total of 659,000 shares as the initial payment for the acquisition of strategic properties."

that is just the initial payment. over 3 years these acquisitions will cost $257,500 and 1.135 million shares. Plus, no less than 4 of the properties include a requirement to conduct exploration work ... read "plus work expenditures".

My initial reaction is that they are spreading themsleves too thinly....

- They've got a nickel deposit that they appear to have mothballed for now rather than expanding it (Jacobus)

- They have a Copper, nickel , silver and gold deposit that has a 43-101 and they appear to have mothballed that rather than expand it (Onoman)

- they are currently working and drilling 3 properties that seem to have promise... the GE, PL and SP ... results pending

Now they have added 8 re properties, that on the surface makes you think "who cares, it's more money wasted."


Wait a tick Basil, I think they're up to something and they're not telling us everything.

- four of the new properties have required expenditures on exploration ... We don't know how much until the next MD&A

- Four of the new properties seem to have no requirements.

- All of the properties are either addons to existing properties or next to an existing exploration project that is progressing

- Even if they spend nothing (or no more than they have to) on these new properties, a major discovery next door to any of them will increase their value and provide an excellent optioning opportunity or Jv opportunity with the operator of those claims.

I see a lot of promise here but the missing piece and it's a big one is Where are they going to get the cash to explore all this land and do it well? I have to believe that Nigel and team are not that stupid to spread themselves so thinly that this all turns into a money pit so there must be another missing piece and that piece will have to have cash.

I suspect there will be multiple news releases and a more clear strategy in the coming months. Hurry up guys, this is getting tedious

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