The one piece of uncertainty that surrounds the Tesoro property is,,,, How much of it are we gonna sell? All 17000+ acres or the original 5000. One would think that the extensive Titan 24 testing on the original 5 would lend itself to the thought that this portion would create a sale of its own. Using that thought pattern, the remaining 12000 would possibly be farmed out to other companies to prove up the gold reserves. If the original 5 turns out to be a world class discovery then the companies that have gotten involved with the additional 12 would likely have their share prices rise simply on the expectation that the gold reserves extend out into their property as well. Is IGD one of these? Don't know! One might speculate though!!!!!!!!!
However,,,,,,there may be a chance that whomever purchases the original 5 might just decide to bag up the entire lot an keep all speculators out therfore,,, no slipstream to follow to the top.
But again,,, should Tesoro turn out to be what seems (to my untrained eye) to be indicated by the Titan 24 survey as far as gold reserves go, then the price of the entire 17000 acres may turn out to be staggering.
Anyones guess as to what may happen.