Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Question for all on this board?

There are other reasons that strongly support the very high likelihood of this being the permit that we have all been waiting for, the least of which include:

1) Why would Lori/SLI have had all of these recent PR meetings in Europe and elsewhere if underneath it all there was a fatal problem with the acquisition of the permit?? I for one would not think Lori would be trying to sell a product if there was a major flaw with it ...just not her character ....period.

2) Recall that she was told very early on that she would have it no longer than a certain date, which admittedly created its own discussion/debate in and of itself. Regardless of details and ramifications, the bottom line is that that in of itself was a large hint that it would almost certainly (even if not 100% guaranteed) be received at some point .......not a matter of if, but when.

3) It is already overdue!!!! .....and yes, eventually the "anyday now" really does become TODAY!!

4) SLI has been so quiet on the NRs as of late ......we could all sense that something was "brewing".

5) Murray has remained upbeat throughout. Furthermore there has not been any hints or outright news releases suggesting that there was a problem. Hence there almost certainly is no problem!!!

6) Why would SLI be considering the Amex and TSO exchanges if there was a problem with the permit? Is that not a huge hint right there?!! If they knew that there was a problem common sense tells me that they would hold off on discussing this until their ducks were more lined up!!!!

7) As already mentioned by others, SLI has received permits in the past for Tesoro and Vilcoro. Why should this time be any different?

8) Yes, as alluded to already, Peru's government likes to stimulate jobs, tax income, etc. just like any other government. Tesoro fits that recipe perfectly well!!!

I agree with HOG, BOW2U, and others ..........hang onto your shares with determination. Make the lowlife shorters PAY HEAVY for their arrogance, poor decisions, greed, and unfair (criminal?) behavior bestowed upon our SLI stock for more than a year now. They have adversely affected too many innocent SLI shareholders. There comes a time when justice and retribution must be served. Furthermore ......just wait until we graduate to the AMEX and the Toronto Exchanges ......every stock that I've ever owned that transitioned from the Venture into the Amex gained significantly just from that alone!!! The difference in exposure along with credibility (whether justly based or not) is amazing!

So enjoy the weekend Fellow SLI investors .............and have yourself a cold one. We've all earned it.


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