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Message: importance of yesterdays release

Yesterdays release was of utmost importance and has the potential to add as much value or more than the initial drill program. I am viewing this trenching program , along with the drilling as being a double whammy in adding value. In other words, this has doubled the amount of work being done this year to prove up this resource and has cut the time to prove up the Tesoro in half. That last sentence is very important.

As hog as said, the trenching is proving up the surface while the drilling is proving up the deep. We get these 2 areas proven up, guess what, there is no where left to prove on the Tesoro. BOW has given you numbers for the anomalies and have shown you the potential.The amount of ounces he has proposed is for the anomalies only. BOW, will undoubtedly now have lots of math to do on the trenching samples ADDING this math to and on top of the ounces for the anomalies.

SO, we will be adding value to our sp from not just1 source this summer, but 2! We were excited about maybe the drills proving up a 100 million ounces, this trenching has the capabilities of proving up as much and maybe more in the same time frame. IMO, you could now say the trenching will be equivalent to a second drill program, only the 2 are running at the same time.

Everybody is in a hurry to get this property proved up and sold (me included). This just cut the time in half. What was announced yesterday is the most extensive exploration program that any company could ever announce on a property. You cant prove up a property any quicker than this. This was top knotch thinking by management to maximize the shortest time frame to the buyout. This is all out war on the property and is gonna leave no stone unturned on its completion. We are hitting the property with everything we got.

Also, hog has touched on this; the extensive program will also affect the buyout offer. For example; if we had just drilled, a premature offer for $50 per share. If we drill AND have proven the rest of the surface contains an economical grade, a premature offer for $100 per share.

There will undoubtedly be a time in the near future when the rest of the investment community are gonna take notice of SLI. When they do, yeah, our sp has the potential to explode in comparrison to the other great ones, Arequipa and Aurealian, only better.

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