Thanks again hog, sculpin and the rest, for all your efforts and very good info. My girlfriend and I read up here every day now to learn as much as we can. I was once impatient and frustrated as well. I have my resignation letter written and have a copy of Johnny Paycheck's "Take this job and shove it" ready to play for my boss. So the sooner the better, but folks, once this takes care of itself and it's successful, we'll look back and say, yeah ya know what, the wait wasn't so bad afterall and it was so worth it. You'll see your bank account, and look back and realize that short of actually winning the lottery, there's really no other way you would see your money grow like this. So relax, sit back and enjoy the next little while. I also have put all my eggs in one basket, well, only one egg, and it's not really a basket, it's a paper bag, but whatever! Enjoy the long weekend!