posted on
Oct 21, 2011 11:52AM
Hogtown, Sculpin,bow2u and others have done there best to inform and police this form as best as possible. They cannot sit by and let some of this ridiculas speculation and slanderous remarks continue. People get a gym membership or go for a walk and cool down. I for one in resent days have watched and read all these so called opinions and it is like a bunch of uninformed kids and at times bullies blasting away. Really Murray has done his best I think to be the whipping boy for all of us to vent on. I have had coffee with the man and believe me his phone never stops ringing and yet those same people will bring up crap like his beginning story of how he got involved, and it has never changed. So stop calling him in you want to speak out of both sides of your mouth under fictitious names and such. This is an emotional time for all please people, I may or may not agree with all of your opinions but why do we continue to shoot r own wounded. All of the above people have been trying to steer this thing as straight as possible and they are getting tired give them a break. When this thing makes us all wealthy and you drink that first glass of Champagne how many of you will even remember for a second who got u there. Be patient this thing is close. To the old horses that have pulled hard and long thank you from me and my group of about 30 that will not forget and will toast our success with you guys in mind. Murray you are the real deal thank you and u r wife for all the hrs you live this thing.