Personally, I am ticked that you've been able to regurgitate crap for as long as you have on this board. I hear there's a couple of right fighters over at stockhouse that need your support. I moved away from SH to get away from the crap that's invading this space...its like poison and it's proving to create IMO non productive discussion. I am glad the leaders take the time to remove stuff that's a waste of space.
SLI has come a long way without the negative shhtufff thats been happening the last two days. Rome wasn't built in a day. I support Lori and her employed as they continue to build a strong company and prepare a property for sale. The sense of entitlement of some turns my stomach. If you want facts go back and reread the quantec reports and draw your own conclusions.
Thanks to the hub leaders, days like this are hard to get through I am sure. THANK YOU.