Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: China makes an offer for Jag, in Brazil

I am new to the board, and have been invested in SLI for only a short time. Unfortunately, I am one of the few that invested recently as the price per share was $2.50. I am not a trader and am more interested in the hopeful sale of the Terso property and not that concerned regarding the recent fluctuations. I am used to bad timing when entering into a position...

Are there links to discussions on what the actual expected gold values might be? It seems that posters are all over the place in this regard. Is one gram per ton over the entire property realistic? I thought we were only interested in targeting certain areas, veins and anomolies? Or. does that value you reference imply that with what we see (expect) in the higher concentration areas it would be the equivalent of 1 g/ton if averaged over the entire property? Of course I like the estimate of 70 mil ounces much more than the recent post of 8 million, but why such a huge discrepancy in what we are expecting as a best case scenario?

As I said, I am new and trying to learn what the hype is all about. I have heard expectations of selling the property from $7 per share if the property is everything we expect to $300 per share if it is everything we expect. The difference is between a nice vacation and retirement. What are the hub leaders and others that have done more DD and been involved for a long time in conversations with Murry et al expecting as a realistic dream regarding the potential of the property?

Should I be making travel plans, or working on a letter of resignation?

If it has been discussed before and there are current threads, please post link or a good search prompt.

Thank you.

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