Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Tabloids

Well the conference call yesterday held plenty of information....not alot that we can not glean from the company profile...however I (IMO) think many of us have lost sight of the basics...On page 9 of the company profile.... Focus on C1 Vein at Zona Canchete. Discover at Zona Central......yesterday she made reference to C1 and A4(Zona Central area)

page 10....C1....statement 4....drilling commenced...it seems to me she is following the plan ....

We can beat the horse to death about the negative things....is she a great public speaker ....no....however there are many people who are....that don't have a brain in their heads...they just know how to put on the schmooze....have a look at our government...full of great public speakers with not an ounce of integrity...honesty...just out for themselves.....many very intelligient people are not great public speakers...what gives her the right to lead us to the finish line.....without her there would not have been a starting gate. She has taken the company this far....she is smart enough to put the right people in place to help her get where we want to go(our new directors)....she has what it takes to get it done....her reasons may be more varied than ours for wanting it........who cares....the end result is the same.

So can we NOT live up to the tabloid remark and NOT rehash all her personal flaws and focus on the company...the property...the market....the information here is valuable to many of us....it gives us a place to ask questions....find places to look for information...

We have (IMO) focused on the big anomoly....as our million dollar ticket....that that is all we can see ...there is soooo much more .


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