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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Common Law

I see this paragraph in some of the explanation of what itccs does;

"However, if it can be proven beyond any doubt that the Court’s verdict was made unlawfully, was unduly influenced, or occurred on the basis of incomplete or faulty evidence, a Common Law Magistrate can re-open and re-try the case with the normal Jury and Court officers."

I see this as a possible avenue in our forward movement whereas the Advance Notice Policy was DEFINITELY NOT ratified by shareholders, but multiple judicial decisions were based on it as being in effect. This alone to me, qualifies our case in a Common Law court should a court wish to accomodate a hearing. Understand that any trial results would be released to the public with an opinion that is NOT part of our judicial system and would more easily convey how investors here are totally suppressed by an unjust system. The more public that becomes aware of how the system is corrupt, the inability for the system to function in the corruptive manner it has and the possibility of decisions being rescinded along with restitution. At this moment, ALL authoritative bodies are NEGLIGENT and RESPONSIBLE for all losses suffered to date by shareholders, including this duress we must presently pursue.

I had hoped to have discussion by now on this movement forward even though my original post was removed. Please discuss, I would like to hear as much input into this as possible where I see it as a possible mechanism to help so many other investors that have been pillaged by these markets and other areas of this system. At this point, your investment is worth zilch and the assets gone, if we go forward, the possibility of revealing the truth and our assets, both in the share value and properties, may be reversed from this present stage. The choice is yours of course, but as for me, I never give up.

Thank You


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