Message: AGM

If anyone made it to the AGM, I don't see a post. Looking on Sedar, I see that the meeting was Dec. 16 last year. It seems that the minutes of AGM are apparently not material information as they are not posted. I suppose one must request the said minutes to see what was discussed unless they e-mail them to you if you are on the e-mail list.

I know Gary for sure, and Jim maybe read the blurbs on this site. I know they have been working hard on the new website. Perhaps they will post the minutes of the AGM on the new website, or e-mail a copy of same. The minutes are boring as poo, but should be available for perusal nonetheless.

My cat is now insisting she cannot prognosticate any further without access to the 1st quarter numbers. She only says the numbers out on a day ending in Y.

I am going to take over for the cat today and suggest the numbers are delayed a couple weeks by the massive change in direction. Even though these developments occured post Sept 30, I am sure they took up a lot of time for the big chiefs and the bean counters.

Get crackin you bean counters and executive sorts. Yer makin me and the cat look bad.

I know where you park yer little putt putt cars. Me truck has 4 way lockers and chains for the rears. This means all 8 tires grip and drive and can climb over stuff. I never was much at backin up em ere rigs. Hee Hee.

I must retire to the parlour, I'm gettin the vapours.

Scarlett O'Truck.

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