Message: AGM

Good Morning

As I walk off the elevator and went over to Reception, I was directed to a conference room with the UC Lawyer at the top of the table with Jim, Gary and Ms. Wood CFO on boths sides..

I said Good Morning and sat down at the table.

Then the Chair looked around and said all here? so we will start.....laughter.

Went through the normal voteing etc. Then they went threw afew things which basicly rapped it up.

Jim asked me to meet them later @ the local Watering Hole for lunch and ofcourse where I can ask the questions.

We talked about the McFaulds sale, it is final...and they were very happy to get our investment of 6 million back.

So what will the $$$$ be used for?

Gary told me about $400,000 would be going into the Mill and site. Much need new parts and maintenance etc.

This is the Number ONE focus! Great the mill will be producing consistantly! I asked when does UC qualify as a producer....after 3 months of consistant production.

Jim said that we have done this but would like to have it running consistantly with August & September when there is no power so no milling but the Agitators still going.

The remaining monies will be used verrry plans as of yet to purchase other properties.

With this market we are very lucky to have Cash in the Bank going into 2012. A lot of Jr. miners will not make it out of this Brutal Market.

As for the Numbers trucker, I will leave that for u to find for us...keep up the treats for the cat please.

I went away feeling very good with Our New Management Team and thier outlook for 2012.

I believe we will have consistant milling and our concientrates loads will get BIGGER for our weeking deliveries which does happen.

I am hoping for a good drilling program for the New Year.

Hope I have not forgot something (probably did) but the rest of the conversation then turned to our sister company.

Merry Christmas & A Prosperious New Year to All

West Coast Guy

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