Message: Conservative Numbers

Yup, Aafab, I like your numbers too. Still close to a six bagger from here.

The 10 times revenues point was from a Grope and Flail article. I will try to find and post a link. I mentioned this in a previous post in the past 6 months also. Will try to look it up.

How my mind works today.

20 years ago, I got out of the mutual fund business. Dissillusioned and tired of explaining same shite over and over. Besides, most could never beat the average. Took away a lot from Peter Cundill, Templeton, et al. Back then, read constantly, books on reading financials, Graham, Livermore, Lynch etc. Played with phoney money in the markets til '97 then got in. Had some stunning success and stunning losses. Was, however, doing far better than any mutual fund overall. Never really used the ability to read financials to any great extent. Crunching hard numbers is a great skill, but I have never been sure how well this skill translates to small cappers, explorco's, turnarounds etc. Much like how my wife, who is, among other things, a trained signwriter (hand, not computer). She says you stand back and blur your focus and get a feel for it. Same with me and stocks.

Blurred vision tells me this picture looks good. Zero downside. Lots of dirt to crunch and lots of dirt to explore. Another poster spoke to Jim the other day and they are "boots on the ground" down there, looking at old producing mills at La Colorado etc, sampling, getting drill locations ready, all the while the mill is running 24/7. They can look up and see, through the bat shite, veins of silver in the caves. Fascinating.

What's not to like?

Some might think I am an unabashed pumper of this stock. Don't give a rat's patoot what other folks do with their money. If anyone takes what I say seriously, and invests their hard earned do' based on "The Madness of King Truck" or the prognostications of my female orange cat, well, that's bit of a hoot anyway isn't it?

But after having a look at the numbers, cash in the bank, etc, Do stand back and let your vision blur a bit. What do you see?

Off to work. That is all.

King Truck.

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