Message: some of the history

i had forgotten the history of these mines and their vertical/horizontal shafts.

it would appear jim is still involved with the historical society and reads lots of the of stuff. when he arrives at 'oro, plata and large numbers' ie in vein length, he gets a translator in to help understand the bigger picture.

the mine stopped production in 1910. that's part of the revolution story. 'people' came in and told the miners they wanted their mulas for their own cause. these are the mulas(probably related to don's today) that carried their daily loads from 3 surrounding mines to the crusher for processing. the miners said no way and were shot.

that's why production stopped. the mine produced no more, not because it(they) had been exhausted of minerals but because the labour force was killed.

so there are veins of silver exposed for the current geologists to find and sample. and there are stories of veins in the mines that uc has and those are the things james and company are reading about. good stories of plata y oro.

king truck and the OO are in it for the blurred vision and the warm fuzzies received from that vision.

i liked the bedtime stories of oro y plata and large wide veins.

off to north of guelph and south of james bay to find another avatar. tough job


ps i'm confident those days of 1000 and 6000 shares traded on a daily basis will be replaced by more significant numbers because the oroy plata are still there.

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