Message: Rule of Thirds

Momma Trucker says you actually step back and squint at your drawings to get them to blur a bit. Everybody do "The Squint". New dance craze.

She also talks about the "Rule of Thirds." Some artistic thing I quess. So happens there are three things that really underpin confidence at this point in the life of UC.

Money in the bank. Lots. Approximating 3 cent a share. Not many other juniors have over half their share price in cash.

Producing mill running 24/7 and by what I am hearing, getting much better results, and darn near finished with all upgrades and spare parts on hand. Good.

Sampling, drilling, mapping etc all underway on KNOWN past producing mines. (And a few thousand acres of greenfield next to a goldfield. Sorry, drilling about to start as of last I heard from Gary, just finalizing poke spots. Visible veins at surface, on cavern walls. Stories of days past seemingly cropping up all the time.

Best thing for now is no one is interested in this company or any other miner it would seem. Phillip Maboots time.

Wasn't it Livermore that coined the phrase "Blood on the Streets?" Can't friggin remember. No matter. It's there.

Nap time.


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