Message: Valuation Articles

I googled valuation of gold producers by cash flow and a variety of articles popped up. Not the one that I originally had read but many others.

The consensus of the articles seems to suggest that major producers typically trade at 15-20 times cash flow and mids at 10-15 times cash flow. Cash flow. Top line, not bottom.

Who am I to disagree? They are not trading there just now, I wouldn't think, but you always have the reversion to the mean issue.

I don't know how you value a starter upper with a clouded history of issues. Perhaps, as I have suggested, by Christmas of 2013, the stock will be out of the Missouri dog house and hummin right along.

My squinty eye view doesn't give me an exact valuation method, however tells me that I value it at a heck of a lot more than a nickle.

My father, were he alive today, would tell me I am starting to sound like a broken record.

Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok.

I will try to post a cautionary tale on the weekend with all the evil stuff I can think of for this outfit. It is no place for widows and orphans, fer sure as the professionals would say.


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