Message: And now for something completely different.

Mr. Goldbarron brings up some fine points. Well, could be Ms. Goldbarron for all I know. Hell, could be a three legged transvestite with one of 'em cyclops eyes in the middle of its forehead. Danged if I know. That's the fun of this internet thinggy.

Anyhow, from what I understand, the following is happening:

The equipment is about ready to rumble at the mill. Supposedly it is workin good with only a couple tiny tweaks left. Good.

They are scuffin around at old mine sites looking things over.

The drill locations are being finalized and I speculate we will hear in a few weeks, maybe with the quarterly numbers due out around the 29th ish. No sense wasting money on a press release when you got one comin out momentarily. Tho' I just finished givin 'em heck for just this oversight. Well, they can start behaving themselves after I get me boots full. Would prefer to pay a nickle rather than a dime anyhoo.

Buying other tailings sites was on the radar from Hamelin days as I recall. This brings out a point about logistics tho. You gotta get it to the mill. They tell me this is a bit of a bear as the roads and topography are an issue. Which connects to the topic of Copalquin. Once the court issues are settled, if I was fixin to drag some dirt to the mill, as opposed to draggin the mill to the dirt, I would blow up that glory hole at Copalquin and bring that dirt down the road.

Gary tells me this is unlikely, to which I reply, Bull. The dirt at that spot is so darned valuable, my gut tells me there has got to be a way to get it to the mill economically. I am probably wrong on this point, but it would make good video. Airship? Maybe just buy another mill in a few years. Will leave this for larger brains than mine. But Gary might want to call Caterpiller or Terex and crunch a few numbers if Gold and Silver prices go where some predict.

I hear they are looking at new properties as well. Probably have been snoopin for some time now I would imagine. JimBob probably sleeps with one eye open anyhow, cause he knows we're watchin and have a well armed man on the ground in Mexico. Fire a few shots at his feet. "Dance, pilgram"

As to the issue of a turnaround in Gold and Junior markets. The cat predicts that will also happen on a day ending in "y". She cannot tell me which one. Dang. A lot of the pundits seem to be suggesting this fall, which means it will not be then. Have no idea when, tho.

The thing about "Missouri" stocks is, sometimes, that when they do finally "Show me", they can run on their own legs with less influence from the overall markets. But this is where the danger lies. If the "Show me" ain't showy enough and the markets continue to take a thumpin, get ready for s'more paint drying dull or butt puckerin gyrations.

Even if Goldbarron turns out to be a one-eyed, three legged tranny, there are some good points there. If we hit on a bunch of 'em and the markets swing like a pendulum do, look out above.

Off to the back yard to skirt and stain back deck and work on hot tub. Buddy of mine gave it to me cause he said it didn't work and his daughter was renting the house shortly with young chillens. Didn't want drowning hazard. He's not terribly handy and didn't notice a corroded, broken neutral wire. Boy, there's a tough fix.

Don't none of you tell him that's all it was, lest he be miffed. Hee Hee.


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