Message: From Ed Steer's News Letter

With all due respect, some of that is correct, and some of that is not. It was WW2 that the Italians could not take a handle on Greece and needed German assistance. It was that time when German superiors (Not sure if Hitler knew anything about this) ordered its troops to basically steal whatever they can including massive amounts of GOLD from Greece's treasury.

Up until today in today's prices, that comes to approx: $680 Billion ($500+ Billion as I previously stated) is owed to Greece by Germany, not to mention the great cost of this nonsense war. The Brit's is a different story all together, and yes they still owe Greece many relics which they've stolen from us many years ago.

My info, well from my two Great Grandfathers that fought for his country (Greece) in WW2, survived but now passed on due to old age many years ago. They were in the front line. Remember the Greeks don't fight like heroes, Heroes fight like the Greeks. ;)

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