Message: Baby Trades

And while yer figgering, what are 'em 'ere little baby trades for 300 and 500 shares with an e in front of them, mostly from Wolverton? I thought my 25 and 30 thousand share trades were Mickey Mouse, but I don't get buying 500 at a trip. What gives there?

I e-mailed Gary for the down-low on the sales and I spec he will get back shortly. Brain is too numb and hind end too sore for forensic accounting today. I can't remember how he told me to calculate them last time.

Will try on the weekend if Gary doesn't get back to me tomorrow. Major league TGIF today. Cat is yowling for fud. Must feed the cat some cheap canned tuna sold for human consumption. Not fit for humans, but she seems to love it. Reward for being on the money again.

Off to work.



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