Message: A spoonful of sugar

Makes the medicine taste like sweetened dead fish.

The purpose of this post is to keep smiling in the face of adversity.

I had occasion the other day to see a publication called "Voice of the Martyrs Inc." I almost immediately started to laugh til the tears rolled down me own cheeks. Maybe you can see where this is going. I have started my own publication appropriately called "Last Voice of the Martyrs. And it goes like this:

Say, why are all those lion cages open?

Allah Ack.......

Jaysus, you say? Name rings a bell.

What an interesting looking dunking tank.

What is this C4 you speak about? This must be the jacket size, yes?

The red and black wire together, No! not the red and gree.........

Not that cell phone numb........



Oh goody, a bonfire.

Iron Maiden? Have those minstrels been snorting the camel dung again?

Erin! Go braless.

And so forth. Please feel free to add yer own thinkage on this very important matter. At least half of you here should have a bit of wit.

Which is to say, this board is half-wits. Somebody help me with the math.


PS: I just got home and haven't had a beer yet. Wait til I tune up.

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