Message: The King is not dead, only a flesh wound.

Hail new Queen "Ole Blue Eye". You got yer work cut out for ya, darlin', ridin herd on this mob. Let me know if you need a strong right arm. My software can detect where people park there BMW's and Mercedes and I ain't a very good backer-upper. So much for German engineering.

Cat and I have been ponderin. Cat says May 24 for next quarter numbers and these will be important. We managed more than 600K of revenue last quarter without benefit of a mill manager. Short term, the important number is going to be how far North or South of 1 million we manage to bring in for the next quarter. Basing that on Gary's musings. We don't think that commercial production will be declared until after June 30 year end. Keeps the books cleaner and easier to contemplate. While Voisin is hardly a German name, Jim strikes me as the type who likes straight lines. He does live in German country near K/W after all and some of that "4 Aspirin" thinking may have rubbed off. No disrespect to those of German heritage. For me, I'm Irish, and have trouble doing any kind of thinking.

I suspect we are drilling and should see some numbers there. I have not been able to e-mail Gary or Jim on these matters, as someone infected my maily thing and I am too butt stupid to fix. Must wait on son's visit next week to fix. Speaking of son, the 27 year old student has advised his Pappy he is moving back home end of April. I am to install a soundproof bedroom in the basement for him and his drum kit. He will also not be paying rent. That makes 100% of my children back home, not paying a nickle. Can anyone spare a couple 9 mm rounds from a Glock to my chest? Let the life insurance compay deal with 'em.

More in a bit.

King Truck (Ret.)

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