Message: This time it's different.

Per John Templeton, the four most dangerous words in investing. But wait a doggone second. Can anyone remember such a disconnect between paper gold and the worldwide lineups of folks trying to buy the PM's. I have nay had a chance to research this well, but it do seem a bit wierd. Not that it has any great bearing on our stock price, but may do in time. I think some meaningful insider buying, some drill results and some good numbers in a month will have a far larger influence. Again, I master the art of stating the obvious. I have e-mailed the lads about these and the dividend matters on several occasions. We shall see.

Speaking of wierd, how come terrorists still keep pickin on the Yanks? Our southern neighbours can stick a cruise missile in yer arse, "nothin but net" from a thousand miles away. Why wouldn't they blow off something in Belleville or Sarnia, ON, where if you cause a ruckus and blockade something, the police join in yer drum circle. Can you imagine our coppers and our Premier Ms. Wynne dealing with that? What a hoot. The fact that our Premier, an admitted gay girl/feller from the GTA has made herself Agriculture Minister is playing real well in cabbage country, I can safely report. LOL as the kids say.

Ontario is a basket case. BC won't be far behind. Both the Liberals and the NDP are entering the blackmail business by wanting bribes paid to allow pipelines, a federal matter, to pass through. Oy.

At what point do the good citizens of this country rise up and say enough. On this matter, Templeton seems to be correct. We never really have, and appears we probably never will. Double Oy.

Justin Troodle. Good news is this wind head may well lead the libs to a final complete and total destruction. Pretty sure Thomas MulchHair can self destructulate the commies. And then we can put in the tax and spend Harper gov't. I thought we might get some fiscal sense out of Stevie, based on his background, but no such luck yet. Hopefully "yet is the key word." Triple Oy.

Nuff said on these matters.

Can someone e-mail the boys and find out what IS up with the drill bit? Haven't heard a peep. Still can't get my e-mail to work.

Gotta go build some kind of barrier under back fence as the dang little doggies keep diggin under it, no matter what we have done yet. Any ideas anyone?

Apologies for the ranting, but this world has been hurtin me head lately. Besides a brain, what am I missing?

Sometime King Truck.

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