Message: Phantom trading....

One really has to wonder if the average investor has a chance...seems the deck is stacked by the big boys......

2008 was caused by worthless paper being bundled up as something called derivatives and then sold on the market and to other countries...anyways it brought down the system and had to be rescued by using Gov't funds (our money).No one has ever been charged with doing anything wrong.

Then there is the issue of nakedshort trading where securities .. sometimes in our own accounts are used to short stocks and manipulate prices...millions of dollars are made by someone...seems the regulators are too busy to really figure it out or just don't care!

Then there is apparently the computer high speed algorithmic trading where 1000's of trades can be made in a nano second and the big houses can make $$$ by watching there computers. I saw a report that said this type of trading is very scary could crash the market if uncontrolled.

Now after watching the Doc Zone gold documentry and reading other articles ie Jim Sinclair etc it seems that paper gold trading is backed by phantom gold ie leased gold that no one really knows if it is basically a method for manipulating the price and has nothing to do with real physical gold which is the basis fo everyone here making an investment in a ligitimate small junior called UC. Also the regulators are too under staffed or not motivated to check this out...or maybe it is just too big!

I guess overall this does build the case that sooner or later this phantom paper gold market is going to blow up...and probably the real value of gold will be exposed which could be 10 or 20 time more than the suppressed price...the question is how long will that take could be months or years I guess...certainly the more real gold that is bought and taken delivery will speed up the process.Is anyone interested in monitoring or regulating this phantom paper vs gold system. Doesn't look like it!

Anyways just one small voice...but I am really getting fed up...isn't it time that someone stepped in and cleaned up this my opinion we are getting pushed around by big money...they seem to set their own rules...and the regulators whoever that is are afraid to take them on. In my younger days I used to be a big supporter of free markets...small and big business drive the economy..let them do there thing with limited regulations...unfortunately greed and money seems to be in the drivers seat.

Having said all this I continue to believe that the UC prospects at the mill have improved significantly in the past few months and that Jim and Gary are on the right track...albeit it has taken a long time to solve some of these issues. 3 cents is a joke

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