Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Drill Holes
Are you the same person that posted earlier citing that there is no conspiracy in ARU's SP fluctuations (your 12/11 posting attached)? How come you now made a 180 turn around and said there is manipulation!!! Did you just get smart or forgot what you said earlier under another alias?
"Safe" thought earlier that you may be a basher in disguise, I now think he could be right.
Here is what you just posted:
"5. There are 2 kinds of manipulation, legal--conducted by central banks in currency, bond & gold mkts & illegal such as Enron, Bre-X, insiders, Worldcom & a host of very low priced stocks.
6. I think it's a non-starter to suggest there is manipulation in ARU. Why not look at it as an undervalued security? In the end the mkt. will sort it out. If there are shorts that's a good thing as they must buy back.

Here is your 12/11 - 02:36 am posting-------

"Been There

Have been reading about Aru on this site from a long position. There is good info from time to time, however at least 50% of the postings are from cheerleaders. Then there are the conspiracy theorists who appear to have no idea how markets work. Imagine complaining to the OSC because the price isn't high enough!! Get serious!! Been There provides good info with plenty of realism included. Have the cheerleaders thought about the price of ARU if the price of Gold goes down? If someone made a $12. per sh. bid tomorrow they would own ARU unless a $14. bid quickly followed.
C'mon folks!! Stop the daydreaming & put up relevant info.
Keep up the good work Been There!!!

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