Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: DMM's Furber...Last Paragraph from Casey
Dec 21, 2007 03:45PM
Dec 21, 2007 04:24PM
Dec 21, 2007 05:37PM
Dec 21, 2007 05:47PM
Dec 22, 2007 05:29AM
Dec 22, 2007 09:31AM
Dec 22, 2007 09:40AM
Dec 22, 2007 09:49AM
Dec 22, 2007 11:36AM

Dec 22, 2007 12:14PM
Dec 22, 2007 02:53PM
Dec 22, 2007 03:24PM
Dec 22, 2007 04:58PM
Dec 22, 2007 05:23PM
Dec 22, 2007 07:17PM
Dec 23, 2007 06:21AM

Fellow Investor's,

If I were Casey, I would be too embarrassed to make any recommendations with regards to mining companies operating in Equador. They have been so far off the mark with regard to these plays it is not even funny.

First they missed out on ARU totally and then tried to justify it by saying ARU is overvalued along with some other analysts hahahahahahahaha.

Then they tried to down play the ARU resource estimate by saying even though other analysts were hinting in the 10 million ounce range they believed it would be in the 4 -5 million range. They gave the usual that this was actually a very good number bla,bla,bla but they could see that ARU could pull back to the 4 dollar range on this news and then it would be a buy hahahahahaha.

I challenged them at the time and put it on the record that the estimate would come in at 10 million plus and if there was a surprise it would be to the upside. We all know now who was right on the mark and who was not. Does no one find it peculiar that I and a couple other posters on this board can make the right call and yet Casey with all there resources can be so far off the mark.

 Casey writes good stuff about the economy in general and what sectors of the market an investor should be in. That is as far as I would take his advice. He is ultimately a stock promoter and they will never tell you to buy a good stock before they have bought and they will never tell you to sell it either before they have sold themselves. There claim of possibly losing money on DMM because of this call I find highly amusing.

Here is a far more likely senario in my opinion, they have sold already and perhaps were even the one's to have precipitated the the latest drop in price. Then they come out with a sell recommendation that panics the retail longs and creates opportunity for the shorts and traders. Then depending on the success or shall I say the volitility and volume they have created they rebuy at a much lower price, taking all the shares offered from the longs, shorters and traders, perhaps ultimately even accumilate more than there original position. Then on the subsequent rise and short sqeeze they make a fortune once again, no doubt furthered along with a buy recommendation once this supposed tax issue is clarified hahahahahaha.

Sell high and buy low is the name of the game investors and it certainly helps if you are in a position to create those highs and lows by your recommendations.

For those readers who perhaps did not pick up on it, this is the part in my fox and viper post that pertains to the viper telling the fox he is not wise, there partnership ultimately in the end was doomed and he has feasted on all of them. The mice in my story are the general small retailers, the birds are the traders, the other smaller vipers are the shorters and last but not least, the crafty fox is the experienced investor who ultimatly loses patience and sells because he still does not beleive that this type of thing happens all the time in the markets.

There can never be a trusting partnership between any  true long and trader on a bullboard either. Ultimately the two stratagies are incompatable. When it comes down to it the trader needs the long to buy when he is selling and when he wants to buy he must convince the long to sell. Those traders who wish to help along their trades on a bullboard thus will always be pushing information that is opposite to what they believe at the time. True snakes hahahahaha.  


Dec 24, 2007 04:28PM
Dec 24, 2007 07:40PM
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