Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: Safe/Feerless
Dec 21, 2007 03:45PM
Dec 21, 2007 04:24PM
Dec 21, 2007 05:37PM
Dec 21, 2007 05:47PM
Dec 22, 2007 05:29AM
Dec 22, 2007 09:31AM
Dec 22, 2007 09:40AM
Dec 22, 2007 09:49AM
Dec 22, 2007 11:36AM

Dec 22, 2007 12:14PM
Dec 22, 2007 02:53PM
Dec 22, 2007 03:24PM
Dec 22, 2007 04:58PM
Dec 22, 2007 05:23PM
Dec 22, 2007 07:17PM
Dec 23, 2007 06:21AM


though your post was short it raises many implication.

First, while those long term readers of this board may find the relationship between Brit's and myself boring, this is not just about those long term readers of this board.

It is also about those new potential investors who do not know the history and can be duped by a good manipulator. Lets face it, if new buyers do not enter the share price of ARU will be contained untill the eventual take over. That is fine with me, this last year has provided me with many buying opportunities of which I have taken advantage. I have accumilated many more shares than I had last year and am up to date around 15% on them. I will continue to employee this strategy unless something fundimental warrants me to change it. I thank the manipulators for providing me with these opportunities hahahaha.

Now you claim it is hard to like me because of my posts towards Brit's. Well not withstanding that they have all been factual based on his own posts, contained no foul language or personal unsubstantiated facts, whether you like me or not would then depend whether you agree with me or not with regards to him.

Let me just state that taking advice from someone no matter who it may be on this board because you like him is a big mistake. This is business and all personal emotions should be put aside. To take advice from someone because you like him is either because he agree's with your opinion or has charmed you. To not read someone's posts because he does not agree with you or he conflicts with your personality is being very narrow minded. This is why I have never put anyone on ignore. You never know when an insightful piece of information will be posted by any particular individual. Even if this poster had never contributed anything of worth before or perhaps you just have to think outside of the box with regards to his intent and what he posts. Lets face it, there is not a person on this board who would not sell his shares in a heart beat to anyone of us if he had knowledge that the share price was about to crash and wanted to get out in a hurry, whether he liked us or not hahahahahahaha.

This is why I am not an advocate of censoring messages, what one person may find meaningless another person may find very valuable, as long as people stay within agora's rules, which I have, there should be no problem. If no one can question the contradictions and false statements in another posters post, what worth and good does this board serve. It just throws the less experienced readers to the vipers who in effect are given free reign to practice there manipulations at will. Any time someone questions there post they will cry, you are personally attacking me hahahahaha. Agora approached me and stated that this would be a site that bashing and manipulation would not be tolerated on. I am holding them to their word.

Obviously, I have decided to stay and post, this is due in large part to the numerous personal e-mails requesting that I do so. The silent majority has spoken. I thank them for there support, it would seem that there are more actual longs lurking on this board than I had thought.

A certain e-mail was sent to me were the poster declared that he respected me and what I brought to the table. I personally respect him also for what he contributes to this board. Some posters on this board may be surprised who I actually respect on this board. I respect anyone that proves himself highly capable in there chosen profession and for those offering up straight foreward, honest and intelligent opinions. Respect is not the same thing as like though. I have never cared whether I was popular or not, but I have always demanded that I be respected. I have been sent to many a job because employee's there liked each other too much. Needlless to say there were a few less friends at the site once I had left. Respect is what readers should feel towards posters on this site, respect for those who warrant it, not like or dislike because these are emotions that can lead to poor judgement.

I started posting here because as I said in my first post, I was tired of all the bashing and I decided to be as big a thorn in the bashers side as they were proving to be in the sides of ARU longs. I was also curious to see how many actual investors I could help out and hopefully persuade to hold long till the take over. These objectives are not going to change on my part.


Dec 24, 2007 07:40PM
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