Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: MY GUESS is, Get ready for a Major Financing

IMO Marcus & you could very well be on to something. We know that the instits. are quietly canvassed to measure appetite for a secondary share issue. If that happens it always puts downward pressure on the shares as some a/c's bet they will be able to replace shares at a lower price. It could also explain why suddenly Genuity & the banks have produced great reports over such a short time span. They need some research to prime the mkt. The only thing wrong with this theory is the timing re govt. legislation although that's not far away.

If there was a financing of $100 mill. or more could that force the hand of a major to make a bid before ARU gets too far along in developing FDN on its own?? The further along the more cost to a major.

I think it might be a good exercise if someone who speaks to Marla on a regular basis said to her "Marla, I'm hearing rumors of a pending equity financing". What might she say to that? Even if she knew she could not tell you. But you may get a strange reaction??

Idle thoughts.


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