Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: Stock Exchange Listings - Ankeroo

Feb 19, 2008 02:54PM
Feb 19, 2008 03:01PM
Feb 19, 2008 05:45PM
Feb 19, 2008 06:23PM
Feb 20, 2008 04:41AM
Feb 20, 2008 05:06AM

Feb 20, 2008 05:14AM

"IMO nothing on the list comes anywhere close to explaining reason for sales.  Negative things would show lack of integrity.  Positive things would make for a higher price.  Naw,  I'm sticking with the financing theory."

I never said these were reasons to sell. They are reasons that will cause blackouts, and during blackouts insiders cannot sell. And in the next few weeks we may have a series of blackouts that prevent insiders from selling for months. Therefore, if they need cash now, or foresee needing cash in the coming months for whatever reason...houses, financing educations, divorces, cars, whatever, these are just normal people, then they should sell some now before the blackouts start. I'm not going to try to explain why each director might need money or  why they don't wait 3-4 months.


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