Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Discount Window

Just thought I'd put out there my thoughts on the part of FF's posting dealing with the pending fiat currency crash and its probable or possible aftermath.

In the long run, unquestionably, NOT's base metals deposits must come into their own, barring some cataclysmic technological break-throughs which I ignore for practical purposes. So we're back to the individual's investing profile just as FF says, which can only be l00% known to the investor. (Unless we turn up a solid mind-reading investment counselor).

The FF scenario of a recovery in base metals after the next major market crash is an attractive one, which many investors will place their chips on by holding good base metal shares or even accumulating at distressed prices. My gut feeling however (agreed, this can be totally unreliable and misleading), is that we are in for an extended period of extreme volatillity after the next big breakdown in the markets. Some will become wealthy trading these bursts, but not me (constitutionally unable).

So if I don't plan to trade to any extent and believe base metals may be depressed for years, I'm back to watchful waiting for the right moment to transition into PMs. I tend to think that the current bear attack on NOT is related to the just closed share issuance at $2.75. This is speculation, not based on any hard or soft info. This encourages me to hang in there until the attack has run its course, the blockade has been lifted and currently pendings results are made public, and hopefully they are great! Short-term thinking, yes, so I suppose for the time being, I'm a short-term kinda guy.

Comments more than welcome but if none, writing this helps firm up my thinking in this regard and that makes it worthwhile.

Best wishes to all ex-ARU types, wherever you are!


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