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Paramagnetic Beads and QL Analyser are Proprietary Products

Message: Re: Jag, I have a question for you...

1. "he doesn't want to enter into any conversation about NSS, SEC, REG SHO etc. etc."

If that is truly the case, he should stay off RB because that is mostly what they promote there. They only fall back on product discussions when their beloved short squeezes continue to fail to happen.

2. The only thing I know of that gets someone permanently TOS'd from RB after just a few posts is Multiple Alias. I do not know how they determine that. It must be by email address, street address, or IP address. You would have to ask them how they determine it. There are several vicious past posters on RB that continue to sneak back on with a new alias and spew their venom. I only report posters that start with the personal attacks that sound suspiciously like wow or ac2. I do not know how RB determines if it is, in fact, a multiple alias. But then again, anyone else on the board can report what they feel are TOS violations so it isn't necessarily me.

3. Other than the disagreements you and I had here, no one else has taken issue with my posts and at least one has thanked me privately for offering an opposite view than the myopic hype of the longs and pumpers over on RB.

4. I strongly recommend your friend start participating here, although this board has been very quiet since the merger. Because of the deceptive history of the JAGH stock over many years, CardioGenics to a degree is guilty by association by those of us that think JAGH has been a penny stock scam. Only time will tell if their products can be finalized and sold profitably. I don't wish harm to innocent people, just to anyone that has been manipulative, abusive, or illegal in their investment activities.

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