Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Lynn and some more
Oct 01, 2008 09:09AM

Oct 01, 2008 09:15AM
Oct 01, 2008 09:33AM

Oct 01, 2008 10:33AM
Oct 01, 2008 10:42AM

Oct 01, 2008 01:18PM

Oct 01, 2008 01:26PM

Oct 01, 2008 01:38PM

Oct 01, 2008 02:28PM
Oct 01, 2008 04:24PM
Oct 01, 2008 11:27PM

Oct 02, 2008 02:48AM

Oct 02, 2008 04:45AM

Oct 02, 2008 06:12AM

Oct 02, 2008 03:24PM
Oct 02, 2008 03:50PM
Oct 02, 2008 04:29PM

Oct 02, 2008 07:11PM

Hi Lynn

Please do not waist your valuable time. As you know from your life experience some people need time to growth up. There is no other solution to it. Kids have to experience the pain to learn from it.

Here are some numbers I look at today. It may help you to estimate CLL Q3 financials.

Dit-bit average weighted prices at Alberta Hardisty:

July 2008 ------------$108

August 2008 ---------$99

September 2008 --- $80

October 02/2008 ---$75

Using the CLL Wellhead bitumen netbacks averages from Spide table , my or others you can calculate the Q3 Pod1 cash flow numbers.

You do not have to be certified accounted ,engineer or collage degree. If you payed attention in elementary school you should be able do it.

Oct 03, 2008 03:44AM
Oct 03, 2008 05:53AM
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