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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: Wiil it end like PDP?

Sep 15, 2011 10:12AM

Sep 15, 2011 11:44AM

Sep 15, 2011 04:05PM

Sep 15, 2011 04:23PM
Sep 15, 2011 05:18PM

Sep 15, 2011 05:46PM

Sep 15, 2011 06:03PM

Sep 15, 2011 06:24PM

Sep 15, 2011 07:12PM

Hi Sharky & Rebels:

Could it possibly be that it is being manipulated down by the institutions for purpose of loading up. Note that volume has been been increasing exponentially in last couple of days. But of course, such could not happen on that paragon of virtue of an exchange such,such as the TSX. Forgive me. I lost all sense and proportion there for a moment. Interesting that Gusella was not there to present the quarterly report the other day .First time I ever remember him failing to give quarterly report. Wonder what he could have been doing?


Sep 16, 2011 08:31AM
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