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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

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Silence before presidential conflict in Sidor PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, April 05, 2008

Image A new unemployment operations Ternium What occurred this Friday, because the workers decided to move to the capital bolivarense, with the aim of consignarle to President Hugo Chavez Frias a document that call for its intervention in the dispute by dilatation in the signing of the convention colectiva.El national representative attended last night's graduation to act on the Promotion of Overseas Technical University of Simon Bolivar University of Venezuela (UBV) in Ciudad Bolivar, which aroused the interest of Sutiss, its desire that Chavez decides against the steel.

Kristy Spitschka
Kristys@correodelcaroni.com This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Picture William Urdaneta

  Three alcabalas prepared by officials of the National Guard (GN) and the Directorate of Military Intelligence tried to prevent the transfer of sidoristas toward the act of grade II Promotion of the Technical University of Venezuela (UBV) in Ciudad Bolivar .

  Excuses like "the minister Jesse Chacon comes to receiving the report up here," were not enough to convince the workers returned to Puerto Ordaz, so after creating chaos vehicle on the road to Ciudad Bolivar and the refusal of workers , decided to give the green light.

  On the edge of the seat of the event, more than 30 officials from the GN and a metal barricade expected to Sidor workers to prevent their entry. But the slogans and banners were able to convey the message of labor trouble, by the silence of a representative.

  An envoy and several officers were able to mediate with GN employees to enter three people in delivering documents. In this sense, Nerio Fuentes, Jessica Malavé and Jose Luis Alcocer, leaders of Sutiss, were attended by the Minister of the Presidency, Jesse Chacon, who pledged to hand over the report to national representative and explain the situation.

  And so was the demonstration. Entregaron document with the hope that it is received Chavez at some point and now is "really aware of the situation".

  Meanwhile, the "sidorista united will never be defeated", "Chavez us your people," as well as a pass bill for the work done on behalf of the Government during the oil strike, were some of the slogans and demands of workers, at times, did not hesitate to take tougher actions.

  Finally, after the action of the employees, lifted the stay for eight hours culminating at 11:00 in the evening of Friday.

Shares of protest
  The president of Sutiss, Jose "Acarigua" Rodriguez noted that the protest actions and stoppages continue in the working agenda of the guild and does not rule out that they activate the next week when Sidor start the referendum.

  Not specified actions nor ratified the call for abstention in the referendum. He says that the actions and working methods would be consulted with the workers, while stoppages and protests triggered "lightning".

  Likewise, according to a communique internal Ternium Sidor, the next week will turn on worker consultation in order to measure the degree of acceptance and rejection of the offer of contractual increase daily wage of 44 bolivars strong for a period of two years of the collective bargaining. In addition, another increase of 1.5% for 12 and 24 months of the contract with a retroactive 20 thousand bolivars strong.

  In the words of the president of Sutiss spoke of "boycott" the consultation of the company because it is considered "illegal" based on article 193 of the reform of the Labour Law.

  Also insists that the consultation results in a "blackmail", which according to Rodriguez, trying to turn from the ministry of Labour and the transnational. Cuestionan the question of the referendum point to the adoption of a financial offer above or continue in the conflict. "It's like telling the worker but accept what you give, you are sinking, you go by the ravine, you go on strike indefinitely," he said.

  He remarked that the recent elections where the workers expressed their rejection of the proposal's economic work, will be certified by a notary public and brought up the bodies necessary for the "voice of the workers be heard."

"From above"
  The absence of government officials to be observers of the process refrendario comes, as "Acarigua," "orders from above", a situation they described as discriminatory.

  The president of Sutiss acknowledged that the referendum worker activated by the union "is not binding", but pointed out that like must be analyzed by the owner of the ministry of Labour and the representation of Sidor.

  "We do not want to impose a collective bargaining agreement for employees of Sidor," said Rodriguez, while it clarified that it is not against the national government, but currents that drive labor actions against the workforce.

  He also explained that fear is not why could call abstinence, but definitely no confidence in the two controllers (Sidor and Minpptrass) to conduct a referendum.

  Suspended Mercal

  It is noteworthy that after a communication that since the directive was issued in the steel, the operation was suspended sales of Mercal food to be held this Saturday at the gate III Sidor, as reported by John Marin.

  The suspension is because, at the request of the union received this April 2, the company reported on 4 of the same month that he was not given enough time to requests for tents, chairs, tables, among other things, required for the operation, in addition to which it has no cash flow. The leaders point out that this is not the first time that this postponed operating on the premises of Sidor convened by Sutiss. However, in order to get the food packages approved by Mercal, considering settle this Saturday at the gate III without largest logistics.
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