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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: CVG Minerven took Brisas del Cuyuni...

Well, Chavez certainly didn't waste any time. They were all just ready and waiting for Bellanger to file.

I now point out to all those that have been saying that KRY should have filed, and a long time ago, just what is likely to happen. I believe Fung was well aware that if they did file fo IA, they would immediately themselves without in the same position as Bellanger. The Crystallex sign at the gates would be gone, and any sign of their prescence in the area gone...out of sight, out of mind. Then the real propaganda would begin, with Chavez announcing how KRY had 'betrayed the people', how he had 'saved' the mine for the people........ blah de blah de blah.

I think this is all part of why we haven't heard from Crystallex. Chavez is extremely sensitives to any action that has to do with public statements of 'corporate rights', legal action, and public statements that 'challenge' his authority. I personally believe Fung is going about this the right way, ie.....not saying or doing ANYTHING that Chavez and his cronies could take as a challenge to their authority, and the 'autonomy' of the "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela".

Chavez would be through the gates with his soldiers, like yesterday, if we filed for arb.

It won't be until there is absolutely no dialogue, or until there is an actual official government announcement, from Chavez, that the 'state' is taking back Las Cristinas, that there will be any PR from Crystallex......Or, when we have a deal.

That's my take on it anyway.......Penderite

Until that time, there is SOMETHING going on, and there is hope of a deal coming out of this long long long looooonnngg debacle.

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