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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: CVG Minerven took Brisas del Cuyuni...

KRY has had the same story of being in discussions with high level VZ officials and the talks are positive. While all this takes place VZ high level officials from all levels have been blasting KRY as evil and the cause of all their problems. They have proclaimed at all levels that KRY will never mine LC. The recent actions toward GRZ show that VZ does not feel obligated to pay back companies that invest in VZ.

First of all....if I see one more post referring to someone that posts the truth of our situation as a "whiner" I think I'm going to puke. That kind of accusation may have worked a couple of years ago but not now. Everything that Ian posted is true and to accuse him (or anyone else) as being a "whiner" for stating the truth is 'Hugoesque' in my book.

We are, in fact, living on hope at this point. We have positive clues (non-sale of the mining equipment...patience of the bond investors...words of our CEO regarding ability to secure financing, granting international arbitration rights to Russian investors) but nothing else.

I truly hope Fung was not yanking our respective chains when he stated "financing is not a problem". Would he have motivation to put a positive spin on things even if he was not certain he could secure financing? As CEO, given the situation, the answer is an unequivocal "yes".

My own personal hope at this point is that we are negotiating with a third party (most likely Russian) for some kind of buyout. Fung mentioned 2 Billion. I believe it is a given that Vz. would not cough up that kind of dough....BUT....a Russian investor might IF he were assured by Vz. that his investment would pay off, he could operate at a profit, his investment could not be confiscated without recourse to international arbitration AND he knew that Fung was not bluffing with respect to having the financial backing to take this the arbitration route. At this point I think we can agree that the primary reason Vz. is shitting on us is because we are not part of the 'Axis of Evile'. It is possible that GRZ wouldn't reduce their price below the 5 Billion dollar figure. It is possible that given the inferior value of the Las Brisas asset (especially with respect to the strategic asset spelled G-O-L-D) that Vz. was willing to go the arbitration route on Las Brisas....especially if it appeared that they could get the Russians to purchase the KRY MOC.

For crying out loud....we are WEEKS away from bankruptcy according to the timeline given to us by KRY management....our shareprice is in the toilet....we have gotten NO material news regarding financing....we are NOT in a position of negotiating strength. All we can do is "hope" for the best. Let's not accuse someone with a large share position that has been a shareholder for years of being a "whiner" simply because they state the truth.

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