Eastfield Resources Ltd
6 projects - British Columbia & 1 in Nevada.
Eastfield Resources Ltd. Vancouver, BC, TSX.V : ETF
Eastfield Resources offers highly prospective projects for investors and partners. Within Eastfield, there are six mineral exploration projects in Western Canada and one in Nevada. Minerals of interest in these projects include gold, copper, silver, nickel, molybdenum and Platinum Group Metals.
Since its inception in 1987, Eastfield has utilized a successful business strategy that involves securing third party exploration financing on its projects.
Eastfield has six projects located in British Columbia and one in Nevada.
Currently optioned projects include Zymo, optioned to Canadian Gold Hunter (TSX: CGH); Okeover, optioned to Prophecy Resource Corp. (TSX-V: PCY); Indata and Howell, optioned to MAX Resource Corp. (TSX.V: MXR); and Iron Lake, optioned to Cobre Exploration Corp. (TSX-V: CXV-H). Eastfield Resources is part of The Eastfield Group; Lorraine Copper (TSX-V: LLC) and Cariboo Rose Resources (TSX-V: CRB) have their origins in Eastfield, demonstrating the success of the business model.
Corporate Reorganization Completed
On April 16, 2008, the Company and Lysander Minerals Corporation had received final shareholder, court and regulatory approvals for a plan of arrangement to spin off their jointly-owned (50-50) Lorraine- ajay copper-gold mineral property located some 280 kilometres northwest of Prince George, British Columbia to a newly incorporated company, Lorraine Copper Corp., with the following effects:
- The Company increased its authorized share capital by an unlimited number of new common shares and an unlimited number of reorganization shares each issued and oustanding common share of the Company was exchanged for one new common share and one reorganization share of the Company
the reorganization shares were exchanged by the Company’s shareholders for 20,000,000 common shares of Lorraine
- the Company redeemed all of the reorganization shares held by Lorraine in exchange for $150,000 in cash and the Jajay-Lorraine project, at its carrying value of $2,913,986, and cancelled the reorganization shares
On August 31, 2008, the Company held the following shares in other companies, which had been received as mineral property option payments:
- Avion Resources Ltd. 158,080
- Goldrush Resources Ltd. 134,237
- Prophecy Resource Corp. 25,000
- Lorraine Copper Corp. 269,120
- Lysander Minerals Corp. 105,000
- Canadian Gold Hunter Corp. 50,000
- Max Resource Corp. 50,000
During the prior quarter the Company sold 195,000 shares of Lysander Minerals Corp. for proceeds of $67,070.
The Company received 50,000 shares of Canadian Gold Hunter Corp. as an option payment for the Zymo property
and 50,000 shares of Max Resource Corp. as an option payment for the Howell property.
The Eastfield Group's Corporate Strategy is applied to Eastfield Resources and Cariboo Rose Resources. The strategy has four key points:
- Project Venturing - Projects are acquired at an early stage and are optioned to third parties to provide exploration funding. This adds leverage that allows the company to pursue several projects at once, resulting in reduced overall risk.
- Metals and Deposit Targeting - The group confines its exploration efforts to large deposit types, containing metals with strong supply demand relationships. It is committed to adding high quality gold and copper properties to its portfolio.
- Political and Economic Stability - The group prefers to work in areas that allow cost-efficient exploration, with secure mineral tenure and progressive mining law. Many of their properties are in British Columbia, Canada, where recent political changes have significantly warmed the climate for mineral exploration.
- Low Overhead - The management team is committed to tight administrative cost controls. Low overhead, combined with cash flow from property option payments, reduces the need for equity financings and share dilution.
Eastfield Resources is a one choice investment for the risk tolerant investor that would like to participate in multiple discovery opportunities of multiple minerals in a single public company. The development strategy is to advance these projects by enticing partners and optionees to do the work.
This reduces downside risk to investors while leaving a strong upside in the event a project discovery does catch the interest of a major producer.
- Seven active projects with a recent new discovery at the Zymo property.
- All properties have significant potential for major discovery.
- Minerals include gold, copper, silver, nickel, molybdenum and PGM.
- Experienced management with geologists who are familiar with the projects.
- Company is known and respected in the industry and is 20 years old.
- A good capital structure with approximately 44 million shares outstanding.
- High leverage - properties are developed by optionees or joint venture partners.
- No debt, substantial unallocated financial resources.
- Low political risk environment in Canada and the United States.
- Still low total market capitalization.