Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Re: I called the Burnaby office today

Thanks for your work in this regard for the Fancamp shareholders. It would serve us all well to stay on top of this Magpie story so it isn't forgotten as the months pass. 27.5 million shares of this new company due Fancamp could be huge, given the amount of resources on the Magpie property. I'd like to see this news featured on Fancamp's website.

Ill rest a bit easier when I see the deal done. A few of us who have held Fancamp since being featured in the late Dennis Wheeler's newsletter probably back in 2000 or close to it...I remember another Sheridan Grp offering called Lyndex Resources, also featured around the same time period. And I do not recall this with any fond memories. To the best of my recollection, Lyndex (Sheridan Grp)owned or was leasing the Salave mine property in Spain, and was later sold to the Rio Narcea as I recall for about $5 million. I know there are other Fancamp holders out there who held Lyndex as well.

Again, if my memory is correct Peter Smith was a board member on this one. And what may you ask, was the end result for the Lyndex shareholders? Glad you asked...zilch, nada, nothing. In the end, I couldn't tell you if the Lyndex shareholders actually owned a damn thing, but I guess proceeds from the sale of stock did provide upkeep and maintainance on the salave property for some period of time-but any rewards from the sale never reached us. The 5 million, or any part thereof, to the best of my knowledge, never got to any of the shareholders. And Lyndex was subsequently delisted. Couldn't tell you how many shareholders there were, or who they were, as I heard no records were ever kept...

There could have been some legal technical reasons for the above, but it sure escaped some of the other shareholders I was able to talk with. So, once burned twice shy. Trust, but verify. I am optimistically guesssing here that Fancamp is too big now and too well known for any such foolishness. I should add that I have heard nothing but good things about Peter Smith, and I think we are in good hands with him at the helm.

After that, I was of course going to divest myself of Fancamp, due to the Sheridan connection. But the price of the stock at that time was so low, that it wasn't worth spending the time to put in a sell order, and I and my kids owned a slug of it. Bottom line, it appears that with Fancamp there indeed is a silver karmic lining. It may well prove up that Fancamp is the "ringer" in the Ring of Fire.

Jul 29, 2008 08:16AM
Jul 29, 2008 12:13PM
Jul 30, 2008 12:43PM
Jul 30, 2008 05:21PM
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