Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Re: Lyndex and Sheridan
Jul 29, 2008 08:16AM

greatlife-My memory could be mistaken on Peter being on the board at that time; I am trying to confirm with a Canadian contact just to be sure, but at this time the old paperwork I have only shows David Bell, a Wilson barbour and Pat Sheridan as the directors. It may well be that my memory isn't so good and I confused David Bell with Peter Smith. If so I definately apologize and by no means am I attempting to cast any aspersions on Smith's character or the status of Fancamp. Again, I have heard nothing but good things about Peter Smith, and I believe he is well respected as a Chief geologist. The other company you could be referring to may have been a company called Diepdaume. I believe there was a settlement on that case, but Diepdaume was still listed. Apparently to receive a settlement, the co. must be listed. Lyndex was quickly delisted.

I believe in '05 an Alerto Lavendiera was president of Rio Narcea, and reported to have worked for Pat Sheridan on the Salave prop. before going over to RNG. And then RNG later buys up Salave for a cool 5 big ones.

But this is a tough business and we certainly need to be aware of who we sit at the table with. It pays to be a bit cautious and keep more than one eye open. Until the recent post yesterday on the recent exchange of property for shares, I'm not sure anyone was aware of this significant development in our company. To me, on the surface, it looks like a potentially very big deal. Those grades are outstanding. But, but...that deal was done what months ago. And by looking at my brokerage portfolio, I don't see any equal amount of shares (via Fancamp) in my account from the new company.

Perhaps I may be forgiven if "it should be here, or it's coming" gives me no immediate comfort. Here's hoping for more than a few blockbuster holes out of Fancamp. I would really like to drill deep and see just what mineralization we can pull out of the far north anomoly. If the AT12 rumors are true, we should see a rather positive appreciation in our share price.

Jul 30, 2008 12:43PM
Jul 30, 2008 05:21PM
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