Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: How the News was Reported

Well said... assays are always coming - even 6 months later...

that tells me that Peter is incompetent - why is it that CHM - RGX - NOT - all have results many times over - and fnc is always waiting ---- hmmm maybe he shipped ore to china via rail?

Please peter do us all a favor - resign and go on vacation - amazing how you have taken great assets - either sold them to RGX or CHM - or just sit on them and not exploit them like a true entrepenuer - oh sorry - you're a friggin geologist with not ONE ounce of business brains.

Nobody will accuse you of being a Strategic thinker - because you are the furtherst thing from that.

thank your lucky stars that Granger is helping you .... there is some hope of things getting done.

Rago -as for Mcfaulds theory that Peter has --- just that - theory! has he proved anything other than a couple of NI hints - nope - has he drilled the property even 1/1000th as much as NOT. Nope.

WE could NOT do WORSE without Peter ---- let's give it a try!

Mineral fileds is selling into this market because they have to raise cash ---- we have no buyers and nobody other than us retail who believe in the value...

so Meadow - we may just hit 5 cents! then get taken out at 20 cents - due to fatigue of investors..

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