Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: What did I say----

Hello Fani,

Thank you for mentioning that you approve of what I’ve been saying (about making ourselves known to all those who communicate with investors in our industry). My last message on the subject was lengthier than usual. Even so, I’ve only begun to scratch the surface. Three people went to the trouble to register their approval.

As I’ve said before, I’ve had twenty years of practice using the basic principles of communication I’ve been advocating. As I’ve said before, while working within active business surroundings, I’ve practiced what I’ve been preaching for two thousand or so days within those twenty years. After awhile, after analyzing the situation more than exceedingly well, it’s human nature to learn from experience and to reach conclusions that are so well informed that there’s not the slightest doubt about them.

In my last message, I started to talk, in very plain concrete terms, about the incontrovertible economic advantage we would gain from intervening, as directly as possible, into pressing the markets to recognize the undeniable assets we own. Pennies of stock price appreciation mean millions of dollars will be added to our overall valuation.

There’s no way my recent messages could be mistaken as coming from somebody who has nothing better to do than occupy himself talking about his idle dreams. I’ve been talking millions of dollars worth of stock price appreciation. For Fancamp investors, the subject matter could not be more urgent.

My last message (the one that was approved by three people) did not have zero significance. The title of that message was “Is it Worth the Effort or Should We Leave Well Enough Alone?” Judging from the anemic response, the answer I’ve been given is: “Leave Well Enough Alone.” My message was not so odious and so devoid of any substance that it should have been relegated to the trash bin.

Besides you, I wonder where everyone else has gone. Your mentioning your agreement with me has been, just about, the limit of any intelligent recognition on this Message Hub that the initiatives I’m advocating have any merit whatsoever.

On this Message Hub, I’ve received helpful feedback on several far less important subjects than this one. So, now when it really counts, why the reticence? What gives?

Lately, there’s been talk, here, about refraining from issuing News Releases on Fridays. OK. There’s no harm in mentioning it. Lately, that’s the sort of issue that elicits discussion. But let’s face it; maybe, that’s one tenth of one percent of our problem.

Front and center, what about the remaining 99.9 percent? I’ve been talking about a substantial chunk of it. What do you think? Fani, would I be better off exclusively writing Private Messages to you and the handful of others who have taken the trouble to be helpful? Should I leave the writing of Message Hub trivialities to others? Have I been talking to the wall?

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