Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Playing the devil's advocate

"Bottom line for me is the stock price and I am afraid this battle is just going to bring this already pathetic stock price down below .10 as khareema suggests and will it recover?"

Every vote will matter, including yours, Lethalgal. For you to say you don't want to vote for the new slate because this battle will be tough on the stock makes no sense. The battle is already happening whether you vote for them or not.

It is simply beyond me how anyone can be in favor of retaining the incompetent, shareholder-unfriendly management we currently have. Have we already forgotten the work that Teleprobe did and how virtually NO ONE even bothered to respond to him? THEY DON'T GIVE A #$%& ABOUT YOU OR ANY OF THE OTHER RETAIL SHAREHOLDERS. Peter only cares about maintaining a relationship with the institutions who fund his little hobby company. All he cares about is bringing in the financings so he can continue to prance around from one property to the other and have his little fun and, oh yeah...pay himself $175,000 a year. Who needs the sp to go up when you're paying yourself that kind of money? I'm absolutely flabbergasted that their are retail shareholders who are willing to support this kind of behaviour. If you want to support him, fine. Just understand that he does not give a $%&# about you, or more importantly the share price. This is a hobby for him. An extremely well-paying hobby.

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