Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Playing the devil's advocate

Yeah, I'm not enamored of this alternate board slate myself. I don't see any stellar results out of them - are there any companies in there run by them that have been very successful in the market? Plus no President. But I imagine most possibilities for that position wouldn't want to be involved until some of the stench of this attack goes away. Or they won't be looking for a President, which I think is more likely, because they plan to break the company up or just let it delist.

And if you do a comparison of FNC stock price versus the TSX.v, they're pretty much comparable, with a slight underperformance since mid 2010. That has been the market though, and with the type of projects that FNC has, which are long term development and capital intensive, that slight difference would not be unusual IMO.

I think if Peter survives this, it would be with a new Board member or two, as requested by institutional shareholders, and perhaps a new CFO. We'll see.

Personally, having been in exploration, the number of people that can actually find viable projects are few and far between. Looking at FNC, there are a number of such projects, which is pretty remarkable. And it's operating in some of the toughest industries out there, has managed to survive, has cash and some real potential upcoming catalysts.

The alternate slate is expecting to add some accountants and lawyers to run this business? No way I'd vote for that. I would, however, agree to strengthening the current Board and corporate governance side, only because I think that's how they'll get to the big leagues.

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