Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Why now?

I think if someone wants to take control of a company, they should start up their own company.....raise money....then, make an offer ...preferrably with a premium....something the shareholders could vote on.

This is such a sneaky way to take control of a company that somebody else built up...and for a discount at that. And it sounds like they make get their way....WOW....where have I seen this play out before....all complete with critism/unproven accusations/promises of better times to come.

And for those who are wondering about cheap stock options....if you think for one second these new kids on the block are looking out for you or I....you are sadly mistaken

There are people here that are very quick to pass judgement based on something a lawyer told them. Remember, these guys are lawyers and accountants.

Maybe there is some truth/half truths.......is there confirmation from a third party....someone who has nothing to gain...I don't see it....and for that reason, for that reason alone, I will not be a part of supporting a bunch of lawyers and accountants who are trying to steal this company from the guy who made it what it is today.

Ask yourself this....if say NOT were to make an offer to buy all the shares of FNC for say $0.15 and promised the sky...and told everyone how bad of a guy Peter is....and that they can do better....how many would bite?

It's as easy as a hook, line and sinker

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