Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: We shareholders have our own Win-Win-Win.
Sep 16, 2013 09:23PM
Sep 17, 2013 12:30AM
Sep 17, 2013 09:43AM
Sep 17, 2013 02:53PM

Hello From_Sudbury.

I’m convinced you’ll be well rewarded for adding to your share count. I’m so sure of it, I congratulate you in advance. As well, in my book, without question, you’re right on every count for what you’ve just said.

I’ll even go further. In spite of every misstep and every misadventure we’ve all (justifiably) been complaining about, we should not lose sight of the twin facts that our stock (on balance) has hardly lost any of its huge potential upside and that that very huge upside is largely thanks to Dr. Smith’s past achievements.

We have a very valid and viable option to remain passive shareholders. Most of us, I suspect, would put most of our capital into our own businesses if we had a real passion to be active entrepreneurs. So, the words “passive shareholders” are not bad words. They merely describe the nature of how a great many investors generally understand their role.

With the assets we own, we have an exceptionally positive risk-reward ratio even if, as shareholders, we say and do absolutely nothing while waiting for it to kick in. So, do we really want to remake ourselves into activists? So far as I’m concerned, I’m not gung-ho to be one.

Yes. More than a year ago, I volunteered to speak to the Board of Directors. Yes. As a follow-up, I felt it my duty to write to all the interested parties and send them business cards and such as well as information about our organization, Shareholders for Accountability at Fancamp. When I started, I hardly thought it possible that people who were so smart in one line of endeavor could be so clueless when it came to the main thing we needed, namely salesmanship (which includes collecting and maintaining and regularly putting-to-use a book of business contacts).

As things stand presently, I have not burned any bridges. Jean Lafleur is always open to having a pleasant conversation (that goes nowhere). So what should we do? Certainly, it serves nobody’s purpose to continue expecting anything to come out of a relationship, which is built on nothing more than the exchange of pleasantries.

We have three choices. You could say, we have a “Win-Win-Win.”

Win #1) We can confine our conversation and our ideas to ourselves. Anytime we get bored, we can speak to management (without expecting anything to come of it). I’m not against this. Our passivity will not eliminate the likelihood of a very nice upside for our stock from where it presently resides (regardless of what schemes management dreams of next). It’s only a question of time.

Win #2) We can continue seriously pressing our case when we address management. If it’s anybody’s wish to do it, I’ll offer my best help. However, after all my failed attempts, it’s counterproductive for me (on my own) to continue to talk to the wall. In the unlikely event management listens (after being bombarded with insistent pleas from all those who volunteer to make them), we’ll get much better relationships with the investment community in regards both to our share price and in regards to the timely advance of Fancamp’s business objectives.

Win #3) Pull the trigger (after lining up a great slate of business-oriented replacements and after making sure our initiative will succeed). Afterwards, the follow-up will include giving the outgoing management people our sincere thanks for their valuable contributions. Should it come down to this, the great slate of business-oriented replacements will make us happy to escape the turmoil and mayhem and revert back to being passive shareholders again.

Sep 17, 2013 10:32PM
Sep 18, 2013 04:59AM
Sep 18, 2013 09:11AM
Sep 18, 2013 09:41AM
Sep 18, 2013 02:15PM
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