Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Fancamp Director Resignation

Thoughts to ponder:


EyesOpen wrote: ".... Maybe Magpie process didn't work, needs to be re-thought/re-worked. Does he still have his position with Magpie or is he only with FNC. More clarity needed. "


unless he has to resign from the Board because the Magipie process in fact does "work" and they are now in the process of attempting to moznetize /commercialize it , and assuming that he has intellectual property rights and may have some percentage of commercial rights, then him remaining on the board would potentially create a conflict of interest if they are moving forward with commercialization

the only reason that I'm thinking along this line is due to use of the phrase " the Company’s fast developing projects"

....this is all speculation on my part..perhaps I'll try to call him tommorrow (Dr. Fouad)  to see if I can garner any insight ito his resignation ...

Of course , this ( "fast developing projects"  ) simply could be "spin"-  a sort of PR maneuvre to re-brand the company . If that's the case then obviously it would have been written by someone other than Dr. Smith, as the saying goes about old dogs and new tricks. And  after all, any longterm shareholders are wise to the fact that this of all companies has never ever been the purveyor of fast developing anything....perhaps the NR was in fact written by Dr. Fouad and use of the phrase was a parting jibe and uttered tongue-in-cheek...


"...to be completed before the snow flies..." how about , before I can grow an hipster beard...

If true then they better get on movin , as hailing from the Soo (which could be considered as southern Northern Ontario) the snow flies sooner than on would expect...



LIFE in the FAST LANE ...(FNC had the pole position during the summer of 2008 (when I first purchased shares) when it was voted into the TSX-V top 50 list

B.C. firms dominated the mining company category holding six of 10 positions in the category. They included Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (3rd); TTM Resources Inc. (4th), Zeox Corp. (5th), Canplats Resources Corp. (7th), North American Tungsten Corp. (8th) and Rockwell Diamonds Inc. (10th). ( https://biv.com/article/2008/06/bc-firms-rank-high-on-2008-tsx-venture-50-list )


It would be interesting to see where those companies have ended up to present day....Is FNC the hare that wins the race ? Do we have a leopard that can change his spots?

Has my hair turned  grey over the 10 years that I have been watching this race?-DEFINITELY 


Luker (Let-them-eat-silver)






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