Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Hello DMTC

Good day Teleprobe,

I just noticed your post. Nice to hear from you. Thank you for pointing out the obvious that I am not hired by the company. I hope this ridiculous assertion will finally be put to rest.


Your assumptions and conclusions are many. For the most part I do not wish to disclose what I am aware of or not. I will say I have been following Fancamp for many years. I am not “relatively new”. This board is almost entirely negative towards the stock and Dr. Peter Smith, so after an eternity of sitting on the sidelines I thought I’d speak up. 


I’ve read your earlier posts. Many of which are excellent! I see that many posters are mirroring your thoughts. You may like to keep that in mind going forward. Considering the respect you have here, how you set the tone may have impact on ways you haven’t considered.


So on to matters: Could management do more to promote the company? Yes. Could they share more and better information with investors about our projects and progress? Yes. The fact that they haven’t to yours and others expectations, are these shortcomings? Not necessarily. Time and money are precious. We all have to decide where the most efficient place is to focus these resources. Last I checked Fancamp is a small company with a handful of people involved. They are only capable of doing so much, and in my assessment have been very smart in how they spend their money. We also have a lot of different projects and possibilities going on. We are not in hibernation like so many other companies. Action produces results. It wouldn’t surprise me if one of these many actions turns into something interesting. So, there’s that.


I do feel for those who invested in Fancamp way back and lost money and are sitting around now hoping for the best. I get it, but here is my main point which I’ve made before. Those who want Fancamp to prosper are not helping by disparaging the company publicly on this board. New investors see what's going on. Many will just stay away and that is not helping anybody.


I understand your frustration. “Years of efforts” haven’t given folks the results they’d like to get. Does anyone around here learn from their mistakes though? This approach isn’t helping so why keep doing it? Sure, most of us don’t want to wait 5/10/20 years for our investments to pay off. If someone purchased Fancamp 10 years ago in 2009 expecting to be rich they made a horrible investment. They either would have had to take the lump and do something about it, or hang up their hat and find something else to do. That said, for anybody who knows how to play the game and is interested in investing in Fancamp now, you won’t find another company out there like it. It has massive assets and shares can be bought for pennies on the dollar. There have been lots of ups and downs in the charts that smart investors could profit from. They have a history of surviving difficult times and still being here as a tradeable entity. I think it’s wonderful personally and lots of ways to play it. As a longer term play it has become more attractive than ever as there has been a great deal of time that has passed.


When it comes to the viability of an investment I make my own determinations. I appreciate your sentiments but don’t draw the same conclusion. I do feel well educated and have my own understanding of how good or bad Fancamp is. Fancamp may be a low volume trader, but that is not unusual for a venture stock, especially this time of year. There are still periods of better volume, and this can change overall on a dime if something interesting happens.


If it was up to me, the last thing I would do is pick up the phone and talk to an investment advisor. Investment advisors tend to be totally clueless. 


You would like for the company to be better promoted. Sure. You would like to see Fancamp’s assets reflected in the stock price. Yes.  Sensible goals, but I still posit that venting the negative on this board is accomplishing neither. That is a kind of promotion in and of itself. For those who want better promotion, why not start here? Maybe it will catch on!


Enjoy your summer!


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