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Message: I would venture to guess we will be waiting...

Good morning bratty. Thanks for your posts. In this one you wonder where the volume is coming from.

" I probably should never make predictions, as it stands - mine are often wrong. As far as GNH goes though, I am all out of questions and from my perspective you should either be in this stock for a quick flip in and out on current momentum (you), or sit tight and actually see what's in the ground (me). Either way, I don't understand why it has given back to .20 with pretty decent volume. "

A while back I was wondering why this Hoel was selling when GNH had so much potential. Hoov wrote me a reply and in it, he gave the number of shares this guy seems to be dumping. Glorioux wrote something figuring he would be out in a couple more sessions. We should all hope so. This isn't intended to be the answer to your puzzle, but I wonder if it isn't a part of it????

Anyway you want to slice this, the price cannot and will not reflect what we think is a decent value until the flow of cheap shares abates, whatever the source.

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