Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Buy Buy Buy

Nice calculations. Nice to see somebody 'coming out' with some of these ridiculous numbers that everyone is afraid to talk about. At my count, that makes about 5 of us...:)

For the record, Tilsley has said that it is much less likely for there to be seperate and distinct events than there being one singular event when talking about gold indications between Sugar Bush and Beland (VG).

If I may put my own spin on the grand scheme of planet earth and the multi billion year history, the chances of 2 instances of hydraulic fracturing within just a few kilometres is about the same likeliness as [choose your own analogy that is as unlikely as you picking up the same grain of sand twice on any beach you prefer to think of, about 20 years later].

This is a significant geological event, the power of which I think is understated by Tilsley's conservatism.

Keep in mind folks that this property is located in proximity to the Guadelope Fault line. What does that mean? I don't actually know but my hunch tells me that craaaazy stuff can happen around those.

And yes, it always good to temper reckless optimism with prudent conservatism but this 20km stretch of uniterrupted mineralization is actually what they are attempting to disprove - and have been unsuccessful to date. So, at the risk of sounding ridiculous when talking about these numbers - I personally find them quite appropriate when discussing GNH.

I wouldn't dare bet the farm on it, but I would happily recommend (and have) people to put a little play money down to see if this thing is for real or not. We are in mid stages of Timmins but early stages of the 'Belt'.

The best thing about the site visits is that it gives me a real sense of peace when looking at the daily share price. I was actually excited when it hit 50 cents last week because I saw it as an opportunity to buy more. Of course, day trading ain't my bag so for others it will matter.

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